Automatic SEO and meta tags generator for OpenCart
A module for adding meta tags and their automatic generation based on templates, as well as for managing SEO tags "robots" and "canonical" on OpenCart CMS. That is, with the help of this extension, you can manage meta tags, add canonical URLs, meta robots (noindex, follow, nofollow), close visitors' access to unnecessary standard pages through the "404" response code.
To perform primary SEO optimization, you need to fill in meta tags, follow the correct placement of canonical, and close duplicate pages from indexing. The Auto SEO Tags extension will handle all these tasks in OpenCart CMS. If you have a large number of products/categories/manufacturers or your product catalog is frequently updated, such a module will come in handy, because it will allow you to automatically "on the fly" generate meta tags for absolutely all products/categories, including new ones that will be added later.
You can change the priority of the meta tags that the module generates relative to the meta tags that are written manually. The module can generate and display its own meta tags:
Only when the meta tags in the product/category/manufacturer form are not filled in, i.e. when the meta tag fields are empty.
Always, while ignoring the presence of manually filled meta tags
The main features of the Auto SEO Tags extension
Heading H1 and seo text for the Home page.
Multilingual meta tags for the Home page.
Templates of meta tags for pages of products, categories, manufacturers, promotions, information.
H1 and description text template for products, categories, brands
Meta tags for the default "Manufacturer List", "Contact" pages.
Pagination (in categories, manufacturers, promotions): meta tags, robots, canonical.
Noindex: Control the indexing of all standard pages via the "robots" meta tag (noindex, follow, nofollow) .
Add Canonical URL to any default pages.
404: Close any default pages with a 404 response
Multistore settings
Auto SEO Tags - generator of meta-tags based on templates
Methods of forming meta-tags or their templates
Home page
Manual input of H1, SEO text, Meta Title, Meta Description.
Generation by template. Available variables: {name}: Category name; {category_parent} : Parent category; {category_full} : Chain of categories; {description} : Short description; {count_products} : Number of products; {min_price} : Min price; {max_price} : Max price.
Manufacturer page
Generation by template. Available variables: {name}: Manufacturer name; {count_products} : Number of products; {min_price} : Min price; {max_price} : Max price.
Specials page
Generation by template. Available variables: {count_products} : Number of products
Manufacturers list
Manual input of H1, Meta Title, Meta Description.
Information pages
Generation by template. Available variables: {name} : Infortmation title; {description} : Description.
Page Contacts
Manual input of H1, Meta Title, Meta Description.
Pagination (category, manufacturer, specials)
Adding endings to meta tags. Available variables: {num}: Page number.
Module installation instructions:
Upload the module in the admin panel in the "Extensions" : "Install".
Go to the "Modifications" section and update the cache.
Go to the "Dashboard" section and update the template cache.
Go to the "Extensions" : "Extensions" : "Modules" and enable the module.
Edit module. Enable the status of the module and adjust all its options to your needs and save the settings.
Check module operation.
Screenshots of Auto SEO Tags
Changelog Auto SEO Tags
v1.1.2 (11 July 2024) - The get parameters (sort, order, limit) in the URL of products in the category have been removed. For product URLs with these get parameters, added the option to add robots meta tag with noindex value or make such pages inaccessible via 404 response.
v1.1.1 (10 October 2023) -
v1.1 (09 December 2022) - The possibility of forming the text description of goods, categories, manufacturers according to the specified templates has been added.
FAQ: Auto SEO Tags
Is it possible to fill in meta tags manually for individual pages?
Yes. The module works according to the principle: if the meta tags are not filled in manually, then the text from the module is substituted. But if the purpose of the tags is - they will be displayed. Of course, you can change the priority so that the tags generated by the module overlap manually.
Is it possible to exclude individual products from indexing using the Auto SEO Tags module?
Auto SEO Tags allows you to close groups of pages from indexing, that is, you can close all products, but not individual products. The same can be done with categories, manufacturers, information pages and other standard OpenCart pages.
What are the settings in the 404 tab for?
In the 404 tab, you can block access to any standard pages that are not used on your site, such as the Bookmarks page or the Compare page. Because even if you have removed links from the site to such pages, they are still available, and anyone who knows the structure of OpenCart will be able to access them. Attackers can place backlinks on these pages and they will be indexed by search engines.
Having blocked the page with a 404 response, if the client somehow gets to it, he will see a message that such a page does not exist. This feature is also handy to close standard form pages that you don't use, such as the Return or Checkout form, if you have other ways to process your order.
Why add a Canonical tag?
The Canonical tag indicates a single priority page among a group of pages with duplicate content. This allows you to indicate to search engines that this particular page should be indexed and that it is the main one. The canonical tag must be used to get rid of duplicate pages.
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Den Seoman
23 August 2024
Вже не вперше купую Auto SEO Tags для OpenCart для своїх проектів (176080 від 02.02.2024), тому що вже зню, що цей модуль мастхев для вирішення порвочергових SEO питань для швидкої та повної індексації (а потім і просування) сайту в Google . Рекомендую модуль і дякую Розробнику!
23 August 2024
Дякую за відгук і рекомендацію!
Денис Соколов
23 August 2024
Купив Модуль Auto SEO Tags для OpenCart (176063 від 31.01.2024) для давньої закарматої проблеми усунення дублів сторінок пагінації, яку до цього доводилося вирішувати шляхом влазіння в код движка. Модуль порадував додаткові налаштування метатегів для Головної сторінки двома мовами, Сторінки Акції та інших сторінок, налаштування яких неочевидні та неможливі в голому движку Опенкарт. Додаткові галочки дозволяють вирішити всі питання з помилками та рекомендаціями Serpstat та іншими сервісами SEO аудиту. Чудовий модуль. Респект Розробнику!
23 August 2024
Дякую за відгук з власним досвідом користування модулем! Я це ціную.
20 April 2023
Брав для ocStore все чудово працює, екомомить багато часу, треба один раз налаштувати і все. Автор допоміг з встановленням, технічна підтримка найкраща з тих що мені надавали. Брав у автора ще два модулі SEO URL Generator та Sitemap XML Multilingual функціонал та техпідтримка були перевагою у виборі.
Олексій К
08 February 2023
Дуже потрібний і дуже крутий модуль для SEO. Також окремо хочу подякувати за підтримку розробнику! ТОП 10 з 10 !
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