Custom URL prefixes on SEO Pro OpenCart

Url prefix for products and categories
  • Module version: 1.0.2
  • Last Update: 21 November 2024
  • Module format:
  • Modification: yes
  • OpenCart: 3.x
  • OcStore: 3.x
  • PHP: 5.6 - 8.x
  • License: Single Domain
  • Author: OpenCartBot
  • Support: yes
  • Url prefix for products and categories - Screenshot 1
  • Url prefix for products and categories - Screenshot 2
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  • OpenCart:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DeveloperOfficial OpenCart partnerOpenCart Development Partner
  •  Professional support of the author
  • Lifetime license
  • The license key is provided automatically
  •  Free license key for test domain
  • Extensions can be modified
  • Periodic module updates
  • Free technical support
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SEO Pro - url prefix add-on

Add-on for changing the appearance of links on a site based on OpenCart using the SEO Pro module. It allows you to add an additional catalog or prefix to the URL of products, categories, manufacturers, pages. For each of these post types, you can write your own url-prefix, for example, for "product" products, for categories "catalog", "category" or something else. You can write any text prefixes. The extension supports multilingual settings.


The Custom URL prefixes on SEO Pro module can be useful when migrating a site from another CMS to OpenCart in order to keep the links the way they looked on the old site.

Need a flat category structure on OpenCart? This module will help you make such a structure together with SEO Pro, so you get simple and clear URLs.

How this add-on works

Before using the extension, the links on the site look like this:
product -
category -

After applying the extension, the links look like this:
product -
category -

Module installation instructions:

  1. Upload the module in the admin panel in the "Extensions" : "Install".
  2. Go to the "Modifications" section and update the cache.
  3. Go to the "Extensions" : "Extensions" : "Modules" and enable the module.
  4. Edit module. Enable the status of the module and adjust all its options to your needs and save the settings.
  5. Check module operation.
  6. Bingo!

Screenshots of Custom URL prefixes on SEO Pro

  • Url prefix for products and categories - Screenshot 1
  • Url prefix for products and categories - Screenshot 2

Changelog Custom URL prefixes on SEO Pro

  • v1.0.2 (21 November 2024) - Removed extra brackets in the ocmod code
  • v1.0.1 (11 January 2024) - The ocStore 3 bug was fixed, due to which the prefixes entered in the extension settings were not displayed in the settings and it appeared that the extension did not save them.

FAQ: Custom URL prefixes on SEO Pro

Why are the prefix fields empty in the settings?

OpenCart versions up to inclusive have a bug in the admin/model/design/seo_url.php file in the getSeoUrlsByQuery method.
Information from the official github
This bug needs to be fixed and the problem with displaying prefixes in the settings will disappear.
Commit on github
The code of the method after correction is given below:
public function getSeoUrlsByQuery($query) {
  $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "seo_url WHERE query = '" . $this->db->escape($query) . "'");
  return $query->rows;
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Кирилл 17 February 2024

Добрый день, заинтересовал модуль, но просмотрев демо, не понял от него вообще плюса. Вот пример, как зделать чтоб выводило, а категория или подкатегория чтоб выводилась ?

opencartbot 17 February 2024

Добрий день!
Щоб реалізувати таку структуру URL вам потрібне ще одне розширення - Короткий URL-категорій. За допомогою цих двох розширень, при наявності SEO Pro, можна налаштувати саме такий формат URL.
Можете ще раз перевірити URL на демо сайті - там зараз саме так налаштовано.

Ольга Федосеева 18 August 2022

Дякую! Класний і корисний модуль. Для мене це було простим рішенням проблеми зберегти url-и при переносі товарів з іншої cms. Окрема вдячність розробнику модуля - дуже уважний до побажань та звернень, мега швидка та якісна техпідтримка! Рекомендую)

Cris 20 March 2022

Works fine, this is what i needed to make the links as before.

Orehi 20 January 2022

Спасибо, работает

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