Extension Products by Category for OpenCart 3

Products by Categories on Home page
  • Module version: 1.0.0
  • Last Update: 17 August 2021
  • Module format: ocmod.zip
  • Modification: no
  • OpenCart: 3.x
  • OcStore: 3.x
  • PHP: 5.6 - 8.x
  • License: Single Domain
  • Author: OpenCartBot
  • Support: yes
  • Products by Categories on Home page - Screenshot 1
  • Products by Categories on Home page - Screenshot 2
  • Products by Categories on Home page - Screenshot 3
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  • Lifetime license
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  •  Free license key for test domain
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Category products module

Module for displaying products from a category on any page of the site on OpenCart 3. Allows you to create separate modules with different settings and filters for products from certain categories. For example, if you need to display the most popular products from a specific category on the main page or products with special price from a specific category on the promotion information page, then this module is exactly what you need.

Login/password: demo/demo

Do you need to display OpenCart products by category on Home page? This module will solve this problem. Each block can be manually set an SEO title, it can be a category name with some additional text. Products in blocks can be displayed in a grid or in a carousel.

Options for selecting and sorting products from a category in a extension:

  • latest products from category (new)
  • products from the category in the order they were added to the site
  • random products from the category (random)
  • popular products from the category (by views)
  • bestsellers from the category (by order)
  • the most expensive products in the category
  • the cheapest products from the category
  • top rated products in a category (estimated)
  • special products from the category
  • only free products from the category (with a price = 0)
  • only paid products from the category (with a price > 0)
  • only goods in stock (with quantity > 0)

Features of the Products from Categories module for OpenCart 3:

  • grid or a carousel of products 
  • unlimited number of modules with different settings
  • output to any pages
  • choice of any category or subcategory
  • selection of products of a specific category or including its subcategories
  • own title for each module (multilingual)
  • free adaptation to template

Module installation instructions:

  1. Upload the module in the admin panel in the "Extensions" : "Install".
  2. Go to the "Modifications" section and update the cache.
  3. Go to the "Dashboard" section and update the template cache.
  4. Go to the "Extensions" : "Extensions" : "Modules" and enable the module.
  5. Add modules and save settings.
  6. Output modules to site on section Design : Layouts.
  7. Check module operation.
  8. Bingo!

Screenshots of Products by Category

  • Products by Categories on Home page - Screenshot 1
  • Products by Categories on Home page - Screenshot 2
  • Products by Categories on Home page - Screenshot 3

FAQ: Products by Category

Is it possible to display the module on the main page?

Yes, the module can be displayed on any pages.

Will the module be compatible with my template?

The module will work on any templates, but the appearance of the products in the list may not match the style of your template, because the layout of the module is made according to the style of the Default template. After the application, we adapt the module to your template for free. Access to the site will be required.
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Ольга 13 October 2021

Мне нужно вывести товары по категориям на Главной. То есть нужно сделать блоки категория 1 и товары, потом категория 2 и товары и тд. Но не все категории нужно выводить. Так можно этим модулем?

opencartbot 13 October 2021

Можно. Вы можете создать много модулей, под каждую категорию, и добавить их в макет главной страницы в нужном порядке.

ineks76 30 September 2021

Доброго дня. Чи можна цим модулем реалізувати останні переглянуті товари?


Доброго дня! Останні переглянуті - ні. Але там є багато фільтрів товарів: останні, найстаріші, випадкові, популярні за переглядами, популярні за покупками, найдорожчі чи найдешевші або тільки безкоштовні, з акційною ціною, з найбільшим рейтингом. Перегляньте демо модуля.

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