Multilang SEO Pro OpenCart

SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support
  • Module version: 2.1.8
  • Last Update: 21 December 2024
  • Module format:
  • Modification: yes
  • OpenCart: 2.x, 3.x
  • OcStore: 2.x, 3.x
  • PHP: 5.6 - 8.x
  • License: Single Domain
  • Author: OpenCartBot
  • Support: yes
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 1
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 2
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 3
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 4
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 5
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  • OpenCart: 2.3.x.x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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  •  Professional support of the author
  • Lifetime license
  • The license key is provided automatically
  •  Free license key for test domain
  • Extensions can be modified
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Language URL prefixes for OpenCart SEOPro

Multilang SEO Pro is the add-on to the SEO Pro extension that will allow setting up multilingual URLs with language prefixes on OpenCart 3.0.x.x and 2.3.x.x. Also, this module adds a hreflang linking to the page code to notify search engines about other language versions of the pages. 


Extension Highlights

  •   Works faster than analogues
  •   Adds language prefixes to URLs
  •   Adds the hreflang attribute
  •   Allows you to set the x-default localization
  •   Adds multilingual meta tags and SEO description for the main page
  •   Allows you to set different logos for different site localizations
  •   Complies with Google's recommendations for multilingual sites

Also, the module allows you to add the same SEO URLs for different languages, while the link will differ only in the language prefix.

In the module, you can add multilingual meta tags, h1-heading and seo-description for the home page. And you can make different logos for each localization of the site.

The extension works only with SEO Pro and will not work without SEO URL and SEO Pro mode enabled in the store settings.

SEO Pro is a module for the correct work of URL links in OpenCart. For OpenCart it needs to be installed additionally. You can find SEO Pro OpenCart on the Github web service or other platforms.

Our extension is compatible with OpenCart 2.3.x.x and 3.0.x.x and PHP 5.6 - 8.x

Advantages of the Multilingual SEO Pro extension over its analogues

  1. Speed: the extension does not load website with unnecessary requests, URL handlers and libraries, as its analogues do.
  2. Identical SEO URLs: your URLs will differ only in the language prefixes at the beginning of the address. Of course, you can also create different SEO URLs.
  3. Full compliance with Google's guidelines for multilingual websites: adds hreflang attributes to all pages, you can choose a localisation for x-default, multilingual pages are accessible by bots without redirects.
  4. Ability to set different logos for different languages.
  5. Free add-on for the language selection popup when you first visit a website

Hreflang on OpenCart

You can see the work of this module on this site, all multilingual links here are generated by SEO Pro with its help.

Example of link to home page:

  • - home page in your default language
  • - version of the site in French
  • - version of the site in English

Example of forming links to internal pages, for example a category:

  • - category page in your default language
  • - category page in French
  • - category page in English

Features of the module Multilang SEO Pro OpenCart 3.0 & 2.3:

  • adds language prefixes to url
  • links to the main language of the site without a prefix
  • allows you to write the same SEO URL for different languages (add-on)
  • adds hreflang attributes to indicate alternate versions of pages in different languages
  • adds your custom URL prefixes for each language
  • title, description, meta tags for the home page in different languages
  • different logos for different languages
  • correct indexing of pages of different language versions
  • works with any languages

The prefix can contain any string, such as a short country code /en/ or /us/ or /eng/ or a language and region prefix - /en-us/ (the so-called multi-region).
The hreflang code can only be an iso-2 language code or a hyphenated language and region code, such as "en" or "en-us", but never the country code as "us" or "gb".

Module installation instructions:

  1. You must have installed the SEO Pro extension on your site. The Multilang SEO Pro is add-on for the SEO Pro extension. So you need to install and enable the SEO Pro first. You can download it from the link above.
  2. Upload the Multilang SEO Pro in the admin panel in the "Extensions" : "Install".
  3. Go to the "Modifications" section and update the cache.
  4. Go to the "Extensions" : "Extensions" : "Modules" and enable the module "Multilang SEO Pro".
  5. Edit module. Enable the status of the module, add the prefixes and hreflang and save the settings.
  6. In the Design : SEO URL section, add blank SEO URL for the home page for each language. That is, for the path (route) common/home, the SEO URL key must be empty.
  7. Check module operation.
  8. Bingo!

Screenshots of Multilang SEO Pro

  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 1
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 2
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 3
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 4
  • SEO Pro Multilanguage -  language prefix support - Screenshot 5

Changelog Multilang SEO Pro

  • v2.1.8 (21 December 2024) - Fix bug in module modifier of previous version 2.1.7
  • v2.1.7 (21 December 2024) - Compatibility with OpenCart
  • v2.1.6 (27 March 2024) - Minor compatibility improvement with the search form
  • v2.1.5 (13 January 2024) - Improved compatibility with the search form on the website
  • v2.1.4 (11 January 2024) - Fixed an error that occurred when one of the languages was temporarily disabled
  • v2.1.3 (26 October 2023) - Fixed an error that occurs when the multi-language logo is enabled during checkout (Undefined variable: $server)
  • v2.1.2 (22 August 2023) - Fixed compatibility with ocStore 2.3.x.x. Some fixes in the extension settings form.
  • v2.1.1 (19 May 2023) - Added correct "canonical" for the home page
  • v2.1 (10 December 2022) - Added x-default selection; switch to the same SEO URLs; multilingual H1, SEO-text, meta-tags of the home page, multilingual logos.
  • v2.0 (12 July 2022) - Ability to manually specify a prefix for each language
  • v1.5 (23 April 2022) - Bug fix on hrelang links (issue adding _route_)
  • v1.4 (10 December 2021) - Custom hreflang code for each language
  • v1.3 (02 December 2021) - Compatible with ocStore 2.3 an 3.0
  • v1.2 (27 November 2021) - Added support for OpenCart 2.3. Added options: select the type of prefixes, restore the language from the cookie
  • v1.1 (24 November 2021) - Updated hreflang generation method

FAQ: Multilang SEO Pro

If an extension is not working properly

If an extension or its functions do not work properly:
- check whether the SEO URL and the SEO Pro extension are enabled. To do this, go to the "System" tab > "Settings" > "Edit store" > "Server", here you need to enable the SEO URL. Here you need to select SEO URL Type = SEO PRO (if the SEO URL Type field is not there - you need to install the SEO Pro extension, the link is in the instructions)
- in the root directory of the site, rename the file 'htaccess.txt' to '.htaccess'
- check if the "Multilang SEO Pro" modification is present in the Extensions -> Modification section
- refresh the modification's cache
- refresh the template cache (twig)
- check if the Multilang SEO Pro module status is enabled
- check if the localization codes are specified in the "Hreflang code" field in the module settings.
- check the Design > Theme Editor section. If there is a generic common/header that can be edited, you need to remove it or install the bugfix
- if you have OpenCart - - you need to install the bugfix

When you go to search on the site, the default language is set. How to fix?

Open the file /catalog/view/javascript/common.js
Find the string:
var url = $('base').attr('href') + 'index.php?route=product/search';
You need to replace it with:
var url = (($('#logo a').length) ? $('#logo a').attr('href') : $('#logo').data('href')) + 'index.php?route=product/search';
Save the file.
Clear your browser cache.

How to add a new language to the site?

To add another language to OpenCart, use our instructions on the example of adding the Ukrainian language.

How to allow the same SEO URLs for different languages in Opencart 3.0?

Starting with version 2.1, this option has been added to the module settings, it is enough to enable the "Same SEO URLs" option there.
Download and install add-ons:
Update caches.

Why do you need to make the same SEO URL for different languages?

It is not necessary to do this. It has no effect on SEO promotion. But this is accepted, it is so convenient, it is more understandable, because if you manually change the prefix (language code) in the URL, you will see the same page in a different language, and if you have different SEO URLs, if you change only the prefix in the URL, you will get a 404 error. This is purely aesthetics.

Error 404 when switching languages. How to fix?

You are most likely using an outdated version of SEO Pro where this issue existed. You need to update the SEO Pro module to the latest version. You can download the working version of SEO Pro from our fork on github

If you have an Nginx server - you need to adjust its config, because when the link is not clear SEO URL - the server sees that there is no folder with a prefix name in the root of the site (for example /us/) and gives a 404 error instead of allowing the site's url to be processed by the script. that is, in SEO Pro.
Solution: in the nginx config find the code:

if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {
return 404;

and before it add the following code:

if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?_route_=$1 last;

The configuration file is usually called nginx.conf and is located in /usr/local/nginx/conf or /usr/local/etc/nginx or /etc/nginx or /etc/httpd/nginx.conf
Or ask the technical support of your server/host to help solve this problem, provide them with this instruction.

The prefix is duplicated on the home page, or home url contain index.php?route=... How to fix?

In the admin panel, open the Design : SEO URL section and filter the entries by the filter "Route" = "common/home".
All such entries in the Keyword field should be empty, as in the screenshot below:

If you have something written there, for example a slash "/" or a language code, you need to edit and clear the Keyword field.
Attention! The system does not allow you to create an empty SEO URL. To solve this problem, you need to install the fix or edit the SEO URL through the database in the "oc_seo_url" table.
In order for the system to allow adding empty SEO URLs, the option "Same SEO URLs" must be enabled in the module settings.
If you do not have records for all languages, you need to create an SEO URL record for each language, where query = "common/home" and keyword is empty value (as in the screenshot above).
After any manipulation of the SEO URL, you need to clear the system cache in order to update the cache of the SEO PRO. The SEO PRO cache is automatically reset when you save the settings of the "Multilang SEO Pro" module, so you can simply re-save the module settings.

How to make language switchers as links?

To display language switches as links, add the following code to the common/header.twig template:

<ul class="list-inline">
{% for hreflang in hreflangs %}
  {% if hreflang.code == code %}
    <li><a class="active">{{ hreflang.code[:2]|upper }}</a></li>
  {% else %}
    <li><a href="{{ hreflang.href }}">{{ hreflang.code[:2]|upper }}</a></li>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

If you need to change the text on the links, for example, to display the name of the language there, then you need replace {{ hreflang.code[:2]|upper }} to {{ }}

If you need to display links in the form of a drop-down list, transform the code as follows:

<ul class="list-inline">
 <li class="dropdown">
  {% for hreflang in hreflangs %}
    {% if hreflang.code == code %}
     <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">{{ }}<span class="caret"></span></a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
 <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
 {% for hreflang in hreflangs %}
  {% if hreflang.code == code %}
    <li><a class="active">{{ }}</a></li>
  {% else %}
    <li><a href="{{ hreflang.href }}">{{ }}</a></li>
  {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}

Don't forget to refresh the modification cache and template cache after editing the template.

Why do you need to make language switches html links?

Some SEO experts advise that the page should have links to its versions in other languages. Therefore, it is advised to make the language switcher not with a js script, as implemented by default, but with html links. This is a technical point.

Is it possible to specify the localized versions of pages (hreflang) in only one way?

Language versions of pages (hreflang) can be passed in only one way (HTML Tags, HTTP Headers, Sitemap) and this should be enough for search engines to link these pages. This, in particular, is stated in the Google documentation
When you send hreflang in several ways at the same time - this is not a mistake, on the contrary, because you transmit more information about the content and this should have a positive effect on promotion. Only in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the data transmitted by several methods are identical.

How to copy SEO URL from one language to another?

You can copy all SEO URL records from one language to another using the following mySQL query, which can be executed in the SQL tab of the phpmyadmin database control panel:

CREATE table `temp_seo_url` AS SELECT * FROM `oc_seo_url` WHERE language_id = "1";
UPDATE `temp_seo_url` SET language_id = "2";
UPDATE `temp_seo_url` SET seo_url_id = 0;
INSERT INTO `oc_seo_url` SELECT * FROM `temp_seo_url`;
DROP TABLE `temp_seo_url`;

Here language_id = "1" is the id of the language from which we will copy, and language_id = "2" - where we will paste. Insert the id of the languages you need here.

Also, before this request, you can perform another request to remove all SEO URLs of the new language that you have already added manually:
DELETE FROM `oc_seo_url` WHERE language_id = "2";
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Дмитро 24 March 2025

Доброго дня, чи є можливість додати у посилання товара / у кінці. Тобто зробити щоб посилання товару виглядало https://url/product/product-url/

Дякую )

opencartbot 24 March 2025

Добрий день!
Для цього потрібно зробити певну модифікацію коду SEO Pro, щоб додався слеш до URL товарів.
Ваше питання не стосується роботи розширення для мультимовності.
Дякую за зверення!

Олександр  27 February 2025

Вітаю! Підкажіть будь ласка, в SEO Сторінки OCFilter ваш модуль теж добавляє префіх?

opencartbot 27 February 2025

Так, модуль працює з усіма посиланнями, які формуються в OpenCart, в тому числі через сторонні модулі.

Олександра 19 February 2025

Є питання - модуль підтримує які мови? Тільки англійську і російську?

opencartbot 19 February 2025

Модуль працює з усіма мовами.

Al Petrov 12 February 2025

Can I use your extension just to put a language prefix in a URL?
For example:

The website is on OC Journal Theme


opencartbot 12 February 2025

Of course, but you should know that the default language of store will always be without a prefix, and all additional languages ​​will have prefixes.
And the Journal theme also requires an additional extension.


Al Petrov 12 February 2025

That's okay for the default language, I need prefix only for the second language.
I want to set only prefix for the second language without reflecting SEO URLs because my URLs (products, categories, etc.) are okay, just need to separate both languages.
I have to buy two extension or the other extension - ?

opencartbot 12 February 2025

Yes, that's right.

Павло 09 November 2024

Доброго дня. Чи буде працювати на опенкарт 3.0.4?

opencartbot 09 November 2024

Добрий день!
Так, буде працювати.

Денис Соколов 23 August 2024

Придбав одразу два модулі для свого проекту Багатомовність для SEO Pro OpenCart і Модуль Багатомовна карта сайту XML OpenCart. Усе встановилося без проблем. Допомогу в налаштуванні надав Розробник за першим моїм зверненням. Як потім виявилося - вся інформація з налаштування була на закладці Ліцензія. Просто треба було уважніше читати. Велике спасибі за хорошу розробку і підтримку!

opencartbot 23 August 2024

Дякую за розгорнутий відгук і за покупку!

Павло 09 November 2024

Чи буде працювати на опенкарт 3.0.4?

Володимир 08 August 2024

Вітаю! Скажіть чи важко буде потім додати функцію прив’язки мови до валюти?

opencartbot 23 August 2024

Якщо є спеціальний модуль для цього або навики, то мабуть не важко. У цьому модулі, як ви зрозуміли, такої функції немає.
Вибачте, що не відповів вчасно, пропустив відгук. Якщо є питання щодо роботи модуля - звертайтесь у месенджери або через контактну форму.

Buc 24 June 2024

Модуль працює, все супер. Для моїх цілей анологи не запрацювали. Техпідтримка на висоті. Все що не вийшло зробити своїми силами, автор допоміг безкоштовно, дякую!

opencartbot 24 June 2024

Дякую за добрий відгук!

Юрій 02 May 2024

Модуль запрацював. Підтримка на вищому рівні. Рекомендую

Максим 02 May 2024

Корисний модуль, легкий у настройках, пару хвилин встановив, налаштував, запустив в роботу

Maxim Nikitin 01 March 2024

Куди звернутись з приводу роботи модуля? В розділі дизайн нічого нема, коли в вкладці сервер обираю Seopro всі урли взагалі робляться не зрозумілі. Кому писати? Поки 3

opencartbot 01 March 2024

На сайті є розділи Контакти, Підтримка. Також контакти вказані на кожній сторінці внизу.
В розділі меню Дизайн > SEO URL (це стандартний розділ) додаються SEO URL, щоб ваші сторінки мали ЧПУ URL. SEO Pro треба увімкнути, без нього модуль не працюватиме. Якщо щось не виходить - звертайтесь у підтримку.

Maxim Nikitin 01 March 2024

Дякую. Написав.

Maxim Nikitin 07 March 2024

Все чудово працює. Були певні проблеми з налаштуваннями теми, але фахівці технічної підтримки оперативно допомогли з вирішенняв, не дивлячь на те, що був вихідний день. Дякую. Однозначно 5 зірок)))

Олександр 22 February 2024

Вітаю! Модуль буде працювати на Opencart pro ?

opencartbot 22 February 2024

Вітаю! Ні, на версії не працюватиме. Сумісність вказана на цій сторінці.

Vladislav Hraboveno 20 February 2024

Доброго дня. Можливо придбати данний модуль на сайті

opencartbot 20 February 2024

Цей модуль призначений в основному для нашого внутрішнього ринку, де користуються розширенням SEO Pro і знають, що це таке. Тому дане доповнення можна придбати лише тут.

Игор Моржецький 09 February 2024

Перевищів всі очікування. Встановлення пройшло чітко за інструкцією, навіть в технічну підтримку звертатися не було необхідності. Автори відповідають навіть за межами робочого часу, що тоже дуже приємно.

Мое завдання було вирішено за 15 хвилин (включаючи онлайн оплату :-).

Сергій 12 April 2023

Все стає просто та без пролем! Було пару технічних питаь - та все вирішили за допомогою підтримки протягом 3-хв.
Купую цей модуль вже для 3-го сайту - і неймовірно задоволений!!!

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