Advanced Product Autocomplete for OpenCart 3 Admin

Better autocomplete OpenCart
  • Module version: 1.1
  • Last Update: 06 April 2022
  • Module format:
  • Modification: yes
  • OpenCart: 2.x, 3.x
  • OcStore: 2.x, 3.x
  • PHP: 5.6 - 8.x
  • License: CC BY-ND 3.0
  • Author: OpenCartBot
  • Support: no
free support
Extension Compatibility
  • OpenCart: 2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x, 2.2.x.x, 2.3.x.x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Autocomplete by model, SKU, UPC, EAN, MPN, JAN, ISBN

Module for expanding the ability to search for products in the fields with autocomplete in the OpenCart 3 admin. Search by any part of the product name and by parameters: model, SKU, UPC, EAN, MPN, JAN, ISBN.

Advanced Autocomplete field for the OpenCart Admin allows you to enter the value of any of the above parameters and the system will find and show products to select. The module is applied to all fields of Autocomplete products in the admin part of the site, even in third-party modules.

Module installation instructions:

  1. Upload the module in the admin panel in the "Extensions" : "Install".
  2. Go to the "Modifications" section and update the cache.
  3. Go to the "Dashboard" section and update the template cache.
  4. Check fields of Autocomplete products.
  5. Bingo!

Changelog Advanced Product Autocomplete

  • v1.1 (06 April 2022) - Fixed bugs
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Nejdet Acar 05 December 2024

I downloaded the plugin from here and installed it on my site with opencart version 3.0.2 installed. As a result, I saw that it worked flawlessly, exactly as I wanted, and I am still using it.
I have a suggestion: When selecting products for the similar products table under the products, I have difficulty distinguishing products added with the same title. If an id number or another identifier can be placed before or after the product title, it would be easier to use.
The plugin has benefited me even in its current state, thanks OpencartBot Team

opencartbot 05 December 2024

Thanks for your feedback!
This extension adds the product code (Model or SKU etc) after the name so you can distinguish between similar products.
Here's an example:

Nejdet Acar 06 December 2024

As I can see from the picture you added in your reply to my comment, I used a plugin with the same name from a different developer. After I removed it from my system and installed your plugin, I realized that this was the plugin that worked for me.
I apologize for keeping you busy and thank you again for the plugin.

Igor Avtoigor 04 November 2024


Владимир Стеценко 14 October 2022

отличный модуль, искал его неделю!

ugeenbond 06 May 2022

Модуль в точку, рад що знайшов. Пошук по моделі працює. Дякую за роботу!

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