Fix for Summernote editor in OpenCart 3.0

OpenCartBot - 30 March 2024
Fix for Summernote editor in OpenCart 3.0

Working with OpenCart 3.0, we often encounter various inconveniences, but at the same time we adapt to them, because there are no other options or we simply do not have time to search for solutions. One of these inconveniences is the limited functionality of the Summernote visual text editor.

Summernote in OpenCart 3 does not have as extensive a set of formatting features as, for example, CKEditor or TinyMCE. This may be a limitation for users who require more complex text formatting. However, some things can still be corrected, and then using Summernote will become more convenient, especially for those who are accustomed to this editor and do not want to change it to other, more functional ones.

Problems in the Summernote editor used in OpenCart 3.0.x.x that the fix solves:

  1. Adds quick viewing and editing of links in the text by clicking on the link.
  2. Adds a button to remove the link from the text. Now you don't have to go into the code to remove a specific link from the text.
  3. Adds the ability to quickly set the rel="nofollow" attribute when adding or editing links. This attribute is very important if you plan to add external links to product descriptions, categories, or blog posts.
  4. Adds more options to the image upload form
  5. Adds buttons: italic <i>, strikethrough <strike>, subscript <sub>, superscript <sup>, horizontal line <hr>.
  6. Adds missing font sizes, more options to choose from.
  7. Adds a text formatting button in code view. By default in the code mode, we see a solid canvas of code that has been thrown together. Pressing its button will transform the code into a readable form, with indents and line breaks.
  8. Adds a custom <span> button that can be reworked to add any other code or text.
  9. Fixes an issue with saving text in Summernote code mode.

Summernote before the fix
Summernote after the fix

Summernote in OpenCart 3 – before and after

Improved link form in Summernote in OpenCart 3.0

The form for adding links in Summernote is very simple and consists of only three fields: anchor, link and choice of method for opening the link. There can be many attributes in an html link, but the one that is missing the most in the editor is the rel="nofollow" attribute, especially when adding external links. That's why we added this option, as well as the ability to view URL links, edit and delete them without going into code mode.

Nofollow option
Removing links Summernote OpenCart

Examples of Summernote improvements in OpenCart 3.0.x.x

Summernote raw code
Summernote formatted code

Formatting code by clicking the "Format HTML" button - before and after.

You can download our Summernote fix - an extension that will improve your editor in OpenCart 3, and install it through the installer in the admin panel. This is not a module, but simply corrected Summernote plugin files. So you should know that this fix replaces the default Summernote files in the admin/view/javascript/summernote/ folder. Therefore, before installation, you need to take care of a backup copy of your site or just this folder, or clearly understand what you are doing and how you can restore the original files from this folder in case of problems. No claims will be accepted regarding the performance of these fixes. You install the fix at your own discretion.

Under no circumstances do we recommend using this extension on OpenCart versions other than 3.0.x.x. Testing was carried out on OpenCart,,

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