Extensions for OpenCart

Custom text on invoice


Show the weight of the product, cart, order


Remap attributes


Auto SEO Tags


Cache cleaner


Cookie window Agreement


Get a discount by URL


Custom Product Form


Decimal quantity and minimum


Account Deleting


DriveUp price and quantity updates


Show EAN in invoice


Photo albums OpenCart


Menubar module


Products by Categories on Home page


OpenCart query by manufacturer


Get products by tags or by part of a tag


Limit the purchase of the product to 1 copy


GDPR Deleting account OpenCart


Extensions and modules for OpenCart

OpenCart provides new opportunities for online store owners, this system has already fixed many errors and problems of previous versions. But without additional extensions this system will not be complete.  Each module for this version is designed to improve the efficiency of the system.

The ability to flexibly customize OpenCart extensions to meet specific needs is a priority in the development of ready-made solutions. This means that you can easily add new features, expand the capabilities of your store without the need for complex technical operations, just install a module or modification.

Nowadays, it is very easy to buy OpenCart module - they are sold on many resources, but you can get a really high-quality product and with professional support for a long time only from us. We guarantee compatibility and compliance of the modules with all the declared parameters.

Promote, optimize, sell, and earn with our OpenCart extensions.